Friday, January 23, 2009

Village Lodge at Ziro

Itanagar-Ziro-Daporijo-Along route has been the most popular tourist routes, next only to Bhalukpong-Bomdila-Tawang in Arunachal Pradesh. Even so, accomodation issue have been a nagging problem in this route. Not any longer in the near future. Ideas of village tourist lodges are catching up with the people at Ziro.

One such lodge with a restaurant has been started recently.

The building, mostly of wood and bamboo, has a freshening look and the restaurant serves Indian, Chinese, Continental and Traditional Apatani dishes.


  1. Wondeful View. Can you give me owner of the resort?

  2. Good to see you visiting, Tago. How are you all doing?
    Victor Landi and his wife is running the lodge in collaboration with one of his staff, who also works in the District Museum, Ziro. They have grand plans to develop the site, including a camping area beside the lodge to provide more options to the tourists. Trust that helps.

  3. Village lodge.... Its beautiful, where is it exactly locate ?

  4. Its at Biirii, on the way to Tadu Dobi. Take the road opposite the Mudang Tage village road and its on the left side.

  5. Had an outing with my family recently, it cost me a bomb! wish it was less expensive.

  6. @taj, Alas! raising costs and higher cost of living for the local people have always been the other side of the coin in the places where tourism has done well. That exactly is one more reason to encourage real village lodges so that real village people get more benefits.

  7. Kanno,
    thanks a lot for the information. I'll make it a sure to visit the same at my earliest possible date

  8. Do you people know that Apatani culture is quite well popular among the cultural researchers of the world. But alas! we are loosing our own heritage by adapting total westernisation.
    A matter to think about.

  9. It was a nice village lodge at Ziro.Few days ago I visited the lodge with my friend lalin.If you can take initiative to establish an orchid house near the lodge I must help you.It will be a nice attraction for tourists, where indigenous wild ornamental orchid will be displayed.
    My blog
