Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Tajang School

Some more words on Tajang School. This is the only school in the area with a history and a background of sheer struggle by the people. That may explain the strong sense of ownership the communities have for the school. The school, perhaps, has the most infrastructures built voluntarily by the villagers - the library, cultural hall, the towering school gate, to name a few.

The picture above and the one in the previous post is the memory stone for Ngilyang Grayu who lost his life in the war over the naming of the school. The structure has been built by one of the students of the school, who is now a senior Indian Forest Services (IFS) officer. The following words are inscribed in the stone:
"In memory of
Ngilyang Grayu
s/o Ngilyang Talo
who became immortal
by sacrificing his life
for the future of
on February 22, 1972."

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